View Profile TheBlackGhost

78 Movie Reviews

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I'm not sure i have ever seen a better flash, i felt like i was watching a true movie the whole time. but i'll start with each part. Graphics were astounding, AITD's art style worked brilliantly with the flash, each part was well detailed and realistic and effecting. The music I personnaly believe was the strongest point, the first scene showing the loneliness of the two boys, the piano song (I'm pretty sure it was just a piano) was just affecting, i think i almost even had a tear in my eye while wathcing it, ive laughed sometimes at a flash, but never in my life have i actually felt the opposite effect. The whole compilation of the movie was just truly amazing, and this is going into my favorites, and its been a long time since ive put something in there. Truly a masterpiece of flash.


I mean it was alright, better then a lot of stuff on newgrounds, but i didnt find it all that funny. Graphics are not really very detailed, its easy to see that, although animation was mostly smooth so it made up for it. I really don't see all the fuss people give about this, when there are things so much better.


Very cool, by the way, what scene was that last boss music song from (when bat was fighting John) i remember it, but from what game and scene was it from?

MaxR responds:

It's from Final Fantasy IX, the battle with Kuja.

Twas good

It was well written for one thing. The detail on the lock was pretty good, and some of the pictures you had in the back were pretty funny. My only real complaint about this was that it was way to hard to understand, i mean when i looked at the subtitles i knew what was going on, but if i went to look at the pics in the backround, i couldnt concentrate on what he was saying due to the computerized voice, and i soon found myself lost. It was pretty good though, keep it up.

JujubeLock responds:

yeah, I placed the humorous parts in the places where what he was saying wasn't that important to the argument. So you didn't miss much, sorry about that.

hahaha, wow, amazing

Very funny piece, i didnt laugh out loud, but i found many of the jokes pretty funny (the elevator, Rob's attorney) keep it up

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.9978 to 4.0029!

That's the Way

twas alright. i dont really feel like giving a decent review right now, sorry.

Anderson has some personal problems he needs to work out.

Twasn't bad

Not to bad, i like the drawings of each member the best, but after that i became confused. Overall it wasnt to bad, nice job

ThreeStar responds:

Haha. I got lazy toward the end.

Thanks for the awesome review. <3


I'm sorry man

But i couldnt even force myself to watch this to the end, i hated the music, and it was mostly just two characters of such going back and forth if you know what i mean, and other pictures of real people, i hate that in flash. I can just hope you do better next time, good luck

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